Favorite Pi Day Activities

Pi Day is a great opportunity to mix things up in the classroom while still getting some good learning in. While Pi Day may look a little different for you this year, it can still be fun to acknowledge it and have a fun time with your students. Here are a few Pi Day activities that I’ve enjoyed in my own classrooms.


Reading Any Sir Cumference Books.

I love starting out my Pi Day activities with the reading of a Sir Cumference Book. I usually pick Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi (get your copy from Amazon here). You can also use this free activity with it. I haven’t tried this activity yet, but I’m thinking this year may be the year! Let me know if you like it.

Finding Measurements in Circles Around the School

This may be hard to do depending on what your Covid restrictions look like, but in the past, I’ve gathered up tape measures and string and marched my class right down to the gymnasium where we had all kinds of circles and semicircles painted on the floor. You can have your students, depending on grade level and background knowledge, calculate things like radius, diameter, circumference, and area of the shapes.

Eat Pie

What is Pi Day without pie?! Walmart usually has those mini fifty-cent pies that you can get so that each student has an individual pie. You can have them measure things about the pie, or just eat it. Up to you.

Digits of Pi Contest

The day before Pi Day, give your students a page full of digits of Pi for them to memorize. Have prizes ready for the next day when you have students recite the digits. I always get a surprising student who goes all out and wins by a landslide. It’s so much fun!

Art Activities

Depending on your group, there are so many different art activities you can do for Pi Day. You can use coloring sheets for a low-prep option, or go to the next level and do a skyscraper activity or a pi circle activity.

Pi Day Poetry

I found this fun activity (free!) that has students write poetry using the value of pi. How great for scaffolding and cross-curricular activities.

Digital Activities

Mystery Pixel Art activities or Drag and Drop activities work great for this - especially if online is your only option. Sign up below to get a free Mystery Pixel Art activity where students find the radius and diameter of circles. This activity is also available in a bundle on Teachers Pay Teachers.

More Pi Day Activity Ideas

Show a video about the history of Pi or fun facts about Pi and follow it up with a silly pop quiz. Check out BrainPOP. Play a Kahoot. The possibilities are endless!


What do you like to do on Pi Day?


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