5 Fun Math Picture Books to Read with Your Middle School Students

I wasn’t always strictly a math teacher. I used to teach all subjects to fifth and sixth grade. My absolute favorite part of the day was read-aloud time. I just love reading out loud and making all of the voices. So, needless to say, when I entered a math position, I had to find ways to keep it alive!

Coming to middle school, picture books are usually put away, but there really is such value in picture books! The lessons that can be learned and derived and priceless, so I’m a big believer in having them out even for the older kiddos.

I just wanted to share a few middle school favorites that I’ve come across over the years. My classes love them, and yours may too!

How I use picture books in middle school

No, I don’t read a book every day. I usually read a book at the end of a unit - one that is appropriate topically or seasonally. The reason I wait until the end is so that students can make connections. You could also introduce a book in the middle of a unit. There is no right way or wrong way. The important thing is students are engaged, and making connections.

I also love books about mathematicians!

On to the books!

1. ”Math Curse” by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith (get your copy on Amazon here)

2. “I’m Trying to Love Math” by Bethany Barton (get your copy on Amazon here)

3. “Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi” by (get your copy on Amazon here)

4. “What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras?” by (get your copy on Amazon here)

5. “Everyone Can Learn Math” by (get your copy on Amazon here)


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